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uwi  - couverture chocolate Factory


Project Type: Educational

Location: Mount Hope - Trinidad

Project Date: September 2020

Status: RFP Design Build Proposal

The cultivation of Cacao (Cocoa) specifically Theobroma Cacao has over the past 200 years contributed to the socio-economic development of Trinidad and Tobago. The criollo (native) kind was first introduced by the Spaniards in 1525 Due to natural disasters and oomycetes in the 1700’s, the cacao industry was nearly completely destroyed. The cocoa we cultivate today was born out of the inter-breeding of Forastero exotic cacao brought in from Venezuela in 1757 with the criollo to arrive at the hybrid Trinitario cacao. (Bekele 2004)

The knowledge of a traditional cocoa house as a utilitarian building typology is becoming more renowned globally as Cocoa and the spin-off products and markets are becoming more popular. The specialty chocolatier market is also growing and more bespoke blends of chocolates are continuously emerging. The CRC’s 70% dark chocolate bar boasts not only of couverture quality but also rich deep flavours that are synonymous with the Trinitario cocoa. The fruity/citrus notes of local cocoa similar to the Trinitario acquired its flavours from the citrus trees grown in close proximity to the cocoa trees. The understanding of these qualities is now transposed into the development of the design by having a mixture of materials and textures that mimic the context, form and function of the building.

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